​Adria Wind Horse Estribou
Special Offer October 2019

Package A - Value $156 - 50% Off - Special Offer - $78

1 - It's Time To Receive
2 - What Are Angels?
3 - The Light Comes From You
4 - 2 Live Angel Channeling Group Calls

Package B - Value $378 - 47% Off - Special Offer - $199 - Limited to only 10 Purchasers

1 - It's Time To Receive​
2 - What Are Angels?
3 - The Light Comes From You
4 - 2 Live Angel Channeling Group Calls
5 - Personal 60min Angel Channeling Session with Adria

Special Offer A

Total Value $156 - Special Offer $78

1 - It's Time To Receive
2 - What Are Angels?
3 - The Light Comes From You
4 - 2 Live Angel Channeling Group Calls


It's Time To Receive
Understanding the new fifth dimensional ease of wishing and receiving holds keys to so much grace for us, from day-to-day living to our long heartfelt wishes to enlightenment!
Angels Raphael, Gabriel and Ariel channeled through Adria Wind Horse Estribou. 
Video, audio and written transcripts. Angel Gifts Series #4
~ “It’s Time to Receive What You Wish For” PDF, 13 pages
Angels Raphael & Ariel walk us through different scenarios of wishing, from material things to soulmates, in the course of breaking free of old conditioning and creating our own worlds.
~ “Things Flow to You” video mp4, 1 minute – Angel Raphael talks about the difference between the effort of manifesting and the ease of receiving. 
~ “You Can Have What You Want” – audio mp3, 7 minutes
Angel Raphael talks about how playful and simple this can be. 
~ “Wishing for Healing” – audio mp3, 5 1/2 minutes
Angels Raphael and Gabriel speak about how wishing can apply to personal healing. 
~ “Creating Negative Things (oops!)” – audio mp3, 7 minutes
Angel Raphael speaks about what to do when you realize your negative thoughts are creating situations in your life.
~ “Will Work Change?” – audio mp3, 7 minutes
“One of the confines of the old enslavement was to delay gratification of your wishes to make you believe that you are not creator beings free to create anything you wanted at any moment.” -- Angel Raphael 
~ “Receive Your Enlightenment” Angel Raphael, PDF, 1 page
How does wishing apply to our own enlightenment, and helping others get there? 
~ inspirational picture quote
What Are Angels?
Have you ever wondered what the purpose of angels is, and how you can best communicate with them? Video, audio and written transcripts. Angel Raphael channeled through Adria Wind Horse Estribou. Angel Gifts Series #3.
~ “Primary Functions of Angels” PDF, 2 pages
“Those are the three primary functions of angel: messenger, manipulator of light, and beacon toward enlightenment.” – Angel Raphael
~ “Angels are More Present Now” video mp4, 2 1/2 minutes – Angel Raphael talks about how the angels are more present now given how much change is occurring.
~ “Angels are Evolving” – Angel Raphael, audio mp3, 2 1/2 minutes
“Right now angels are having the celebration of their lifetimes.” – Angel Raphael
~ “Call Upon Your Angels” PDF, 3 pages
Angel Raphael speaks about how to ask angels for help.
~ “Seeing Angels” – Angel Raphael, audio mp3, 6 minutes
Angel Raphael talks about how angels communicate with different people.
~ “Angel Numbers” PDF, 1 page
“this very magical outcome, chemical effect” – Angel Raphael
~ “Not Above” PDF, 1 page
“From angelic perspective, there is not a hierarchy of light.”– Angel Raphael
~ inspirational picture quote
The Light Comes From You
Mp3 recording of the deeply meditative May 2019 Angel Conversations. 1 hour 25 minute recording of group channeling session with angels Raphael and Ariel.
2 Live Angel Channeling Group Calls
Angel Conversations: Celebrating Our New Freedom
Two (2) Monthly Live Calls (audio by phone or computer via Zoom) + recording
Saturday, November 16, 10 am HST/12 pm Pacific/2 pm Central / 3 pm Eastern / 9 pm CET
Saturday, December 14, 10 am HST/12 pm Pacific/2 pm Central / 3 pm Eastern / 9 pm CET
Angel Conversations are a deep dive with Angels Raphael & Ariel (and sometimes other angels!) on whatever is coming up strongly right now for participants on the call, and collectively for humanity.
What a time to be alive! In the last few months, the angels have been talking a lot about freedom—the newfound freedom of humans. Adjusting to this very new reality can feel in turns delightful and confusing, and the angels have specific messages and guidance for us about what is going on energetically on the planet, and with us, and how best to navigate our new freedoms.
The first portion of the teleconference will be a message from one (or more) of the angels for the group. Then there will be time for individual questions for the angels of either global or personal nature. Sessions will last from 60-90 minutes depending on the questions asked. A recording will be provided to you after the call. 
What you can expect:
  • Very deep knowledge presented in terms you can relate to and absorb
  • Direct angelic transmissions
Past themes have included:
  • The value of time
  • Hallmarks of fifth dimensional reality
  • Other dimensional earths arising
  • The end of soul contracts
  • Humanity coming into sovereignty
  • “I am”

Special Offer B

Total Value $378 - Special Offer $199

1 - It's Time To Receive​
2 - What Are Angels?
3 - The Light Comes From You
4 - 2 Live Angel Channeling Group Calls
5 - Personal 60min Angel Channeling Session with Adria

PACKAGE B  - Limited to only 10 Purchasers

Everything in Package A
Personal 60min Angel Channeling Session with Adria
Private One-hour Angel Channeling Session
In a one-on-one channeling session with Adria, you get specific answers from the angels tailored to your questions and areas of your life you would like them to focus on. Ask the questions pressing on you, and receive answers from Angels Raphael, Ariel (and sometimes others!) about your specific life circumstances and evolution.
  • Receive angelic light
  • Receive angelic transmissions of grace and understanding
  • Perceive in yourself a recognition of who you are
  • Feel comforted
  • Palpably feel that the angels are with you now
The perspective the angels bring is quite different than looking into the future from a psychic viewpoint to see what are the probable outcomes in your future. The angels’ viewpoint often centers around the wishes of your own heart, in this and other lifetimes, and how the circumstances coming into your life are placed there for particular reasons.
This perspective can give you more insight into personal relationships, financial dynamics, work decisions . . . giving you more information about past life connections and soul purpose reasons for things happening as they are. So that as you move forward with decisions on creating your future you have all the information you need.
It is not just about the contentment of accepting everything as it is. The angels do bring a great sense of comfort. At the same time, they may have some missing pieces of information that will help you to better understand how to move forward.
What is causing the sense of upheaval in my life? for example. Is it Earth changes? Is it a particular relationship dynamic? And what is behind that? Is it my own need to break free into something new? Or, is it time to weather the changes and stand strong? What are the best healing modalities for what I face right now? What are my gifts? These are the kind of perspectives that the angels bring. 
Missing pieces of information and angelic perspective can help you to better understand how to move forward as you embrace your present and create your future.


One of the deepest most powerful mystical experiences of my life!!! I will never be able to adequately express the depth, breadth and spectrum of my gratitude. - Melba
Thank you! Perfect answer! Flying with you dimension to dimension!- Monica
My heart feels so much lighter.- Rebecca
I have had two short channeling sessions with Adria. After both I felt so light, not realizing the weight I had been carrying. What dropped was anxiety, self-doubt, low confidence. What I felt was unencumbered and sustained clarity. . . I cannot adequately describe the profound peace I felt after hearing those messages.- Daijo

Adria Wind Horse Estribou

Adria Wind Horse Estribou is a conscious channel of angels, Lemurians, and other beings who wish to assist humanity. 
Adria is a sound shaman, channeling past lifetimes and universal sounds to shift stuck energies. She is also a medium and animal communicator.
She is author of two books: Why Did Lemuria Fall? and Slip through the Keyhole and sound healing CD Sounds of the Ancient Ones. She is a regular contributor to the Sedona Journal of Emergence.
Adria lives in Hawaii, and works one-on-one with clients around the world.

Package A - Value $156 - 50% Off - Special Offer - $78

1 - It's Time To Receive
2 - What Are Angels?
3 - The Light Comes From You
4 - 2 Live Angel Channeling Group Calls

Package B - Value $378 - 47% Off - Special Offer - $199 - Limited to only 10 Purchasers

1 - It's Time To Receive​
2 - What Are Angels?
3 - The Light Comes From You
4 - 2 Live Angel Channeling Group Calls
5 - Personal 60min Angel Channeling Session with Adria