Jade Yin Hom Special Offer

Package A - Value $800 - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Success
ITEM 2 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Receiving
ITEM 3 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Beauty
ITEM 4 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Self-Love and Acceptance
ITEM 5 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Intuition
ITEM 6 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Magic and Joy
ITEM 7 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Wholeness
ITEM 8 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Freedom
ITEM 9 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Infinite Supply
ITEM 10 - ​Align Your Inner Bagua to Awareness

Package B - Value $1250 - Special Offer - $157

ITEM 1 - Everything in Package A
ITEM 2 - 9 Zoom Hangouts

Package C - Value $1479 - Special Offer - $247

ITEM 1 - Everything in Package A & B
ITEM 2 - 30min Personal Session with Jade

Activate Your Inner Bagua for an Amazing Life

How many points of views have you brought into about success?  And how many of those points of view actually support you to have the success, health and joy you like?
What if success in all areas of your life isn’t just about changing your beliefs or your mind-set?
Do you already have success in your career and yet struggle with health issues?
Do you have fantastic skills and much wisdom and knowledge and yet still struggle with finances or family issues?
Maybe you have a great family and yet struggle with career issues?
Maybe you already have much success in all areas of your life and still long for the partner that will bring you much more joy in life.
This special offer from Jade Yin Hom, medical alchemist, is like no other.  While other coaches, transformation specialists and healers work on your beliefs or mind-set or work on your body, Jade’s work opens up the energetic portals in all areas of your life to support you.
You’re more than a mind-set or a body.  
The Universe of you is grand and expansive and so this program allows you to create, generate and receive so much more so you can embody infinite possibilities.
The Universe of you can be represented by the Bagua, an eight section symbol used in Taoist cosmology to represent all aspects of your life energetically and spatially.  Each sector of the bagua also represents one of the five elements wood, fire, earth, metal and water.  Jade works with the energetics of each sector to help you create health, wealth, freedom, joy, magic and success in all areas of your life.

Package A

Total Value $800 - Special Offer $97

Package A

What if the whole Universe supports you?
Working with the energetics of the bagua allows you to play with multiple fields of energy so that you feel supported by the Universe to create a life that feels meaningful, joyful and successful to you.
Everything is here for you if you know how to converse with the energy of all sectors of your life.  It’s not a matter of beliefs or mind-sets.  It’s all energy and you can play with energy however you choose.  You’re the alchemist, artist, creator, healer and gardener of your life.

Are you dealing with:

  • Procrastination
  • You know something better is possible
  • Self-doubt
  • You feel there’s more to you and your life
  • Feeling out of it
  • You feel shamed
  • Feeling unmotivated
  • You feel tired all the time
  • Lost your sparkle
  • Not sure of yourself
  • Lost your momentum in life
  • Lack clarity
  • Lack focus
  • Lack joy
  • Feeling out of touch with yourself.
  • Feeling out of touch with your True North.
  • Sometimes you’re in tears and don’t know why.
  • You feel depressed.
  • You feel defeated.
  • You feel guilty for not living up to your full potential.
  • You feel isolated.
  • You feel different and self conscious about it.
  • You are bored with your life.
  • You have betrayed yourself.
  • You have given up on your dreams.
  • You don’t know where to begin.
  • You are a shadow of who you can be.
  • You played small to fit in.
  • You played it safe to fit in.
  • You put others first and forgot about you.
  • Your life is on hold -- all the time.
  • You haven’t found your own voice.
  • You don’t know what brings you joy.
  • You’ve experienced pain and trauma on many levels.
  • You can’t wait to get out of work.
  • You live for the weekend.
  • Sometimes if feels like life is just passing by you.
  • You feel you may have missed your chance at life.

Are you ready to:

  • Have more ease creating and generating a greater income?
  • Feel supported to do what you love ?
  • Finally be able to receive from all of life and end over-giving?
  • Be able to receive the inner guidance that ends self-doubt?
  • Enjoy success without sacrificing self-care, relationships and family time?
  • Experience more flow and synchronicity?
  • Experience ease in receiving what you like in any situation?
  • Enjoy feeling grounded and centered and end overwhelmed?

Expect to Experience:

  • Joy
  • Aliveness
  • Momentum
  • Be in touch with your inner core.
  • Feel confident.
  • Magic
  • Inspiration.
  • Supported from within.
  • Supported from above.
  • A sense of wellness.
  • Feeling new possibilities.
  • Feeling like anything is possible.
  • Inner peace
  • Believe in yourself.        
  • Synchronicity        
  • Own your dreams.
  • Lighter                
  • Feel spacious.        
  • Inner strength.
  • Laughter        
  • Tears of relief.
  • Freedom                
  • Know when to put yourself first.        
  • Have more choices
  • Resourceful
  • Trust yourself.
  • Have clarity of purpose.
  • Have more fun.
  • Spontaneity returns.
  • Playfulness returns to you.

Activate your Inner Bagua and Amazing Life
In this package you will receive:

Product 1: Align Your Inner Bagua to Success
20 min mp3 ($80)

What does success mean to you?  What if you don’t have to give up being you to succeed?  What if the whole Universe is conspiring to make all your dreams come true?
You get to choose what success feels like, looks like and tastes like to you.  
This mp3 will help you align/attune all sectors of your bagua with the energy of success so that all of life just supports you to have what you truly desire.
This mp3 is designed to:
  • Release all inner and outer obstacles to success.
  • Release all the shaming you’ve brought into about what is too good to be true.
  • Release the unfilled dreams of parents and ancestors so that you can be your own person with your own dreams.
  • Allows you to choose what success will show up in your life.

Product 2: Align Your Inner Bagua to Receiving
20 min mp3 ($80)

Success, money, love are always there for you if you allow yourself to receive more from life.  The energy of receiving impacts all aspects of your life.
This mp3 is designed to help you receive from all of life.
Benefits for you:
  • Re-imprint the energy of receiving from the very beginning of your life.
  • Release all the ways of receiving that is not in alignment with love, joy and having respect for you.
  • This impacts your relationships dynamically.  Are you receiving love and support in your relationships?
  • Are you receiving the money, joy and love that is there for you?

Product 3: Align Your Inner Bagua to Beauty 
20 min mp3 ($80)

Beauty contributes so much to the enjoyment of life.  Are you ready to be beautiful inside and out?  Are you ready to be appreciated for your beauty?  This energy and quality is not about just appearance. It’s an energetic quality that contributes to all of life.
What beauty are you that you haven’t acknowledge?  What if acknowledging the beauty of you expands your world and contributes to others as well?
This mp3 supports you to feel beautiful inside and out.  It allows you to acknowledge the contribution that you are as a beautiful being.  Will you receive it?
  • Feel beautiful inside and out.
  • Receive the appreciation and adoration others have for you.
  • Know that you’re contributing to the world just by being you.
  • Create more beauty in the world.

Product 4: Align Your Inner Bagua to Self-Love and Acceptance 
20 min mp3 ($80)

Self-love and acceptance is not just an inner job.  It’s an energy that is also in the world around you.  The whole world reflects back to you the level of self-love and self-acceptance you have within.  It works both ways.  So playing with your inner bagua here allows you to work with self-love and self-acceptance from within as well as from all the portals that are available to you in your Universe.
  • You will experience greater flow and synchronicity.
  • People around you will be much nicer to you.
  • Your relationships will flourish and feel so much more loving.
  • You’ll have more clients.  
  • You’ll have more money.

Product 5: Align Your Inner Bagua to Intuition 
20 min mp3 ($80)

All successful have this one thing in common: they believe in their own intuition.  Before you can believe in your own intuition, you have to be able to receive it.  What if your entire Universe supports you to access your intuition with ease and act on your own intuitive knowing with conviction?
What clarity do you require to act on your own intuition?  
  • Honoring your inner voice.
  • Access your intuition with ease.
  • Have clarity when making choices.
  • Succeed by following your gut instincts.

Product 6: Align Your Inner Bagua to Magic and Joy 
20 min mp3 ($80)

What if you can align/attune your Universe to the energy of magic and joy?  Will you have more joy?  And joy is such an invitation to have more money, more fun and more success.  Will you allow more magic to show up in life?
What magic and joy will you experience?
  • Smile for no reason at all.
  • Synchronicity is happening all the time for you.
  • There is a lightness to your being.
  • Bye-bye depression and stuckness.  
  • Magic and joy becomes a part of your life and living.

Product 7: Align Your Inner Bagua to Wholeness 
20 min mp3 ($80)

What if you just don’t lack anything?  What if nothing is missing from your life?  When wholeness is restored, you enjoy abundance, health and joy.  
  • No more lack or limitations.
  • You see and feel the abundance in your own life.
  • You recognize what is limitless about you and your life.
  • You’ll know you’re sourced and resourceful always.

Product 8: Align Your Inner Bagua to Freedom 
20 min mp3 ($80)

What if freedom is not something you seek but who you be? You always have the power to make choices and follow through with every choice.  Freedom is about being able to making choices and even create more choices where there wasn’t any.  Be spacious within and feel your life expand in ways you didn’t know was possible.
  • You have choices now where you didn’t think you do.
  • Feel spacious.
  • There’s flexibility and an ease with all of life.
  • No more stuckness, no more have to’s, no more shoulds, only choice.

Product 9: Align Your Inner Bagua to Infinite Supply 
20 min mp3 ($80)

The Universe is abundant and when you’re align to this Infinite Supply, your whole life will change.  Not only will the money situations improve, your friendships will be abundant and meaningful, your health will improve and your business will flourish.  
The Universe is seeking to gift to you an amazing life. Are you ready to be in alignment with receiving from an Infinite Supply?
  • No more lack or limitations.
  • You see and feel the abundance in your own life.
  • Everything changes when you’re in alignment with Infinite Supply. How magical will your life be?
  • Infinite possibilities for an amazing life are yours to have.

Product 10: Align Your Inner Bagua to Awareness 
20 min mp3 ($80)

Aligning with awareness makes all of life so much easier.  Your awareness is powerful.  What you’re aware of, you can create and have.  What choices are you aware of now that will change your life and your destiny?
  • You become more perceptive and all knowing.
  • Life shows up for your with more color and clarity.
  • Your choices are abundant.
  • Self-mastery is possible when you have choice and awareness.

Package B

Total Value Over $1250 - Special Offer $157

Package B includes Package A

Create the life of your dreams with these 9 zoom hangouts.  Each call covers one sector of your bagua so that you can work on creating a
  • 3 month plan,
  • 6 month plan,
  • a one year plan and
  • a five year plan.  
These calls are designed to help you create exactly what you like to see in all areas of your life.
Week 1: April 23-26, 4:00-4:30 pm mountain time.
April 23: Bagua sector 1: career
April 24: Bagua sector 2: love and relationships
April 25: Bagua sector 3: family and elders
April 26: Bagua sector 4: wealth and prosperity
Week 2: April 29 - May 3rd, 2:00-2:30 pm mountain time.
April 29: Bagua sector 5: health and well-being
April 30: Bagua sector 6: helpful people, travel and spirituality
May 1: Bagua sector 7: children and creativity
May 2: Bagua sector 8: knowledge and skills
May 3: Bagua sector 9: fame and reputation
All group calls are recorded on video and audio.  The replays will be available to you.

Package C

Total Value Over $1479 - Special Offer $247

Package C includes everything in Package A & B

One on one individual session with Jade
Value: $222 for 30 mins
As a Master Healer (one who awakens the healer in others) and Divine Blueprint Activator, I provide a combination of energy healing, medical intuition, multidimensional healing and powerful activations.
Here are some of the benefits of working with me:
  • feeling better about yourself
  • enjoy health and vitality
  • feel energized
  • feel seen, heard and respected
  • have your energetic blocks cleared so you can achieve your goals.

Medical and Therapeutic Treatment Disclaimer

Jade Yin Hom is not a medical doctor nor does she diagnose any illness or prescribe medication of any kind. All modalities and treatments referred to by Jade Yin Hom, and the Site such as energy healing, raising vibration, DNA activations, subconscious reprogramming, imprinting, and all other recommendations, techniques and materials are not to be construed as medical or psychological advice. Please do not use any information, treatments, services or products provided on the Site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have or suspect that you have a health or therapeutic issue, please consult a licensed doctor, therapist or counselor.


It’s the first time I receive this level of love, support and respect!

I am absolutely blown away by this.  I have never even heard of a Bagua and when I listened to the one on self-love and acceptance, I instantly felt a shift in all areas of my life. I know there is no way to return to the way I was before.  This is the final shift I have been looking for!I am a healer and so much more but I was not able to step out and make money, nor was I able to receive love due to fears and insecurities.After watching your video on the bagua and self-love and acceptance, I offered a free healing and the feedback was incredible!  Someone reached out to gift me money and gifts!  It’s the first time I receive this level of love, support and respect!  Everything is falling into place as I feel comfortable and confident in creating a website and a fulfilling business in all ways.  Eternal gratitude and blessings to you, Jade, for your contribution.  You have opened up a part in me I knew was there but couldn’t access! - Jennifer Funt

My session with Jade was a great one. I was having an allergic reaction to something and Jade cleared the inflammation that made my face red. My hot skin cooled down and stopped itching. She found some deep-hidden issues related to my family. It's always good to get an outside eye to look in on family issues. Jade made connections I hadn't thought of, and cleared what was not in my favour. I felt light and peaceful by the end and this feeling has continued. Jade was excellent at tuning in quickly and finding - then clearing - the energetic blocks. - Sophia Zoe

"I felt relaxed, calm, loved, seen, and cared for during the session. Jade worked on my teeth and gums, which had been troubling me for many years. She scanned my entire body, energizing and helping to improve a number of areas I needed help with, including my prostate, the Ph balance of my digestive system, my anti inflammatory response, as well as a few other areas.

I have been sleeping consistently through the night since our session 2 weeks ago instead of having to get up to urinate 2 or 3 times. Wow! Amazing work!" - Gary Pincus, M.A.

I was attracted to Jade just for working on my eyes and experienced soooo much more! Jade worked on my C2, left eye pain and even a tooth that were all connected to the eyes. I have been putting in multiple hours in front of the computer and my eyes were getting fatigued. I took a nap after our session and was then up most of last night... no blurry eyes or fatigue like I would normally experience! Jade mentioned my ancestral and womb experiences. She pinpointed an upset at approximately 6-8 weeks in utero... the result being that I felt like I was not seen, not heard and when I was born that I did not feel well received and loved. What Jade picked up on was when my father was suddenly drafted and was to be sent immediately to the Front in a war zone. Jade released the childhood grief for the loss of the childhood that I could have had. My mother did not believe in holding babies... she felt like this would spoil us some how... Talk about not feeling seen, loved, received or respected! Wow… Then Jade traced the feelings of not being well received and love to a core issue from my maternal genetic line... going back 8-9 generations. Not feeling loved and a pattern of the heart not being in the body... After she shifted the generational patterns, which she transformed by the Light... Jade said there were too many to name... I told her the story of my maternal grandmother being a burden on her parents... just one more mouth to feed... so at 6 years of age her father attempted to drown her in the pond with her mother standing on the shore... NOT attempting to stop him! My heart ached and felt completely closed down & restricted. Then suddenly the ache disappeared and I had an intense rush of energy throughout my entire body... waves upon waves of energy... In fact I am reliving that experience as I write this review 24 hours later!!! Healing is once again being transmitted! Thank you, Jade! - Peg Rose

healing of thyroid, pancreas, candida and other physical issues

I have said that as long as I have a penny to my name, I will continue healing sessions with Jade.  I call her “The Healer of Healers.”  I am 74 years old and have worked with many gifted lightworkers over the last 40 years.  Since working with Jade, I have experienced profound and rapid changes in all aspects of my life.  Most profound in this recent time has been the healing of thyroid, pancreas, candida and other physical issues.  Emotional underpinnings were removed instantaneously.  

Currently, I also work closely with a licensed holistic chiropractor who checks my nutrition requirements monthly.  I was taking eleven different supplements and after one session with Jade, I no longer needed six of them and the dosage was cut in half for the remaining five!  Most issues with my thyroid have completely cleared.  In relation to my pancreas, I no longer have any cravings for sugar or sweets of any kind.  I also experienced an instantaneous clearing of candida from my body along with many insights about the origin of this condition.  On the same day following the session with Jade, I had an appointment with my chiropractor who tested for candida and found no indications of candida remaining in my body.  I am so grateful to Jade for her miraculous work.  She is such a gentle, loving, and compassionate healer. - Renee E.

Jade, I truly loved my healing session with you, it’s amazing to me how much can be worked on in such a short amount of time.  Less than 24hrs after my session I could feel real results.
I came to Jade with a litany of problems: chronic fatigue, skin and fungal issues, tightness in my chest, severe digestive issues due to incredible amounts of stress over that past four years and more.
I had lost both of my brothers at a young age to heart attacks,  and had taken on the burden of my family and more.
One of the first things Jade worked on was the miasms related to heart issues, the tightness immediately disappeared and the cough I had loosened up, and as of today has disappeared. I’m breathing more freely now.  I only had about 5 hrs of sleep overnight, worked a 10hr day, and I still have more energy left at the end of my day then after a full nights sleep.  I feel there is more of a flow of energy coursing through my body.
Most of my issues were related back to 23 generations of abusive patterns that needed to be cleared.  How can you quantify having that cleared?  It’s priceless to be free of burdens and ties that were never mine to begin with.  
Jade, I am deeply touched by your generous loving spirit, your insights are so spot on, you tuned into every problem within my physical body without my help.  What I’m most impressed about is your Authenticity.  That word is used a lot these days, but most people could take a lesson from you, because YOU ARE IT.
Much Love and Gratitude. - Maria G. of Florida

Release of Old Patterns that were Contrary to Implementing my Vision

I was blessed to recently receive a 20 minute session with Jade to work on sight. Jade is gentle, compassionate, has a beautiful laugh and sense of humour, is able to tap into multi-dimensions and knows when to articulate what she is working on and perceiving and also when defining multi-dimensions through words is ineffectual. When Jade worked on my eyes, I felt a definite tightening of the muscles around the eye area. Jade also worked through all the meridians, as she did so I could feel the energy moving in the organ/meridian she was working with, and often at the same time, the next organ to be worked on. When Jade worked on the spine, the energy was gentle, yet profound. Jade identified and set in motion the release of old patterns that were contrary to implementing my vision. She was also able to identify the importance of love and beauty in my life. Since our session, I find myself making more choices that are self-nurturing and, after many years, again exploring how my vision can best be created and expressed. If you have the opportunity to work with Jade, please take it, as Jade is a definite gift. - Karen B.

Three Week old injury to knee – pain gone 14 hours later

"My major mal-adjustment at this time was a 3 week old injury to my knee. For the entire 3 weeks, my knee would pop and crack with almost every step. Often during the day, and during the night, I was awakened frequently when it felt like a hot poker was being shoved under my knee cap. It was excruciating pain. Further investigation into my knee brought up the possibility of reoccurring injuries from past lives? Jade also isolated several past injuries: my lower back and arm without my mentioning them to her! Miraculous!!! What I found amazing was I found that my knees began to feel nicely warm.. like I was putting a warm salve on it when Jade was doing energy healing on it. I rested for 30 mins and upon standing upright, I discovered that I no longer feel like I was going to fall down immediately. It felt better than it had in a week. 14 hours later - I am stacking firewood with little to no pain! Thank you, Jade - Keith O.

Received an Unexpected Check for $250, and another $1,000

Jade quickly finds what issues I have been dealing with and it’s almost spooky how accurate she is. I am truly grateful for her wonderful abilities and her sincere intention to help heal. I am especially grateful to keep playing and going over all the MP3's. I have been noticing small miracles in the last month. I received an unexpected check for $250 which was a big help also a friend who owes me money contacted me gave me $1000 which I was so very thankful for. Thank you Jade for your wonderful work! - Trevor Thomson

HUGE and DEEP Energy Shifts

I am lucky to have had A-M-A-Z-I-N-G session with Jade. I feel stuckness in major areas of life that I shared with her to work on. I have my eyesight/vision issues, relationship issues and stuckness in career/finances. When Jade worked on me I felt HUGE and DEEP energy shifts. The energy she brought in was so profound and powerful and it REACHED all those areas of my body where I feel blockages. Especially when she worked on my eyesight, the energy gushed into and out of my toes. I never felt such energy movement in my toes before. Jade's 21 days money, magic & miracle audios have deeply changed my perspectives toward money and the related concepts. Thank you so much Jade.Love you - Leenah Rahul

Receiving hundreds of dollars unexpectedly

I would like to share that I bought a package when I first heard Jade on a telesummit. Within the first few days of listening to the mp3s I started to receive hundreds of dollars unexpectedly and on day 20 of the 21 days someone gave me a gift of $2000 dollars, completely out of the blue! When I bought the package I thought I literally can't afford it. I decided to use my last dollars to buy it anyway!  What a blessing it turned out to be! - C.L.

No neck pain, no back pain and clearer vision

I woke up and felt amazing today.  No neck pain, no back pain and my vision seems clearer.  I ate a really healthy lunch and seemed to be generally more efficient and active today.  Can't wait to see what else unfolds! Thank you so much, Jade. Your work is powerful! - Jill K. 

Broken ankle able to bear weight after a few minutes of energy healing

I recently worked with Jade briefly on a tele summit and I asked to work on my broken left ankle. I had broken it two weeks ago but over the years I'd sprained this ankle a lot. Jade worked on my energy and helped me to release some emotional and physical trauma from the ankle, some deep-seated stuff and patterns that went way back to my childhood. I could feel the emotions rising within my body as she worked on me and after the call my heart was literally smiling.

In the past couple of days I've been able to put some weight on the left foot which is amazing. I was so excited by Jade's work I jumped on her 21 day miracles package and I'm super excited to see what this will bring. If Jade can do this in a few minutes work I look forward to seeing what we can do together if we work together longer.  Jade is a gifted, talented and gentle healer and I'm excited to see what unfolds. - N. Kaur

Shifts Blocks to Self-Love and Ancestral Patterns

Jade Yin Hom is truly the most Gifted Healer, her energy and warmth puts you at ease immediately, and her compassion, wisdom and clairvoyance are astounding. From the very first Skype session I had with Jade, I knew I was in the presence of a very special Energy Healer & Gifted Intuitive. Initially I was drawn to Jade’s 21 Days of Money, Magic & Miracles Program, to help transform my financial blocks.  I soon learned that within this program Jade gives so much more than just clearing money blocks.  Jade channels amazing multi-dimensional loving energy & she brings through such beautiful healing, emotional clearings and transformational energy shifts. Jade’s healing work incorporates many generations, to get to the root of the issues.  Within the 21 audios alone, Jade brings through Higher Energies that shift self love blocks, shift ancestral patterns, and connect us to our Higher Self.  My words cannot do justice to how beautiful these audios really are. I cannot speak highly enough of the Live Video Sessions called Zoom hangouts that Jade offers in her programs.  These sessions were life changing for me, as Jade generously shared how to shift subconscious blocks using a profound yet very simple techniques. Every Divine Audio, every Group process and every 1 on 1 Session with Jade is a precious gift you will never forget. Thank you Jade, you truly are a God Sent Gifted Healer.  I appreciate you with all my Heart! - Diana M.

Jade Yin Hom

Jade-Yin Hom is an alchemist, mentor, and speaker with over 19 years of combined experience
in health care and alternative healing. She works with science, spirituality and intuition to
facilitate her clients to transform chronic health, financial and relationship issues by shifting
energetic patterns in the body from the cellular level to the etheric and from the personal to
the archetypal. Her gentle presence, intuitive knowing and powerful activations often awaken
the intuitive gifts and healing abilities in others, making her a well-sought-after mentor to
lightworkers and healers.

While Jade-Yin is known for her ability to tune into subconscious and intergenerational issues,
she is also an expert in helping others to reprogram their subconscious beliefs so that they are
empowered to create new self-affirming and uplifting beliefs. She is no stranger to struggle and
illness. Jade-Yin has healed herself of auto-immune disorders, depression, a life-long struggle
with self-acceptance, a sense of powerlessness and poverty consciousness. In her journey, she
learned to access her own magic with energy alchemy and reprogram her subconscious beliefs
to embody self-worth and personal power. She holds sacred space for others to heal their own
pain and struggles with self-acceptance, self-love and personal power.

Jade-Yin founded Jade Alchemy International, LLC to help all people to break free of limiting
paradigms so that they can access their full potential and shine. She innovates cutting-edge
products and energy healing processes to empower others to experience wholeness, health,
and joy. She believes by working together we can expand consciousness on the planet, so she
invites you to create shifts with wild abandon.

Package A - Value $800 - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Success
ITEM 2 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Receiving
ITEM 3 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Beauty
ITEM 4 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Self-Love and Acceptance
ITEM 5 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Intuition
ITEM 6 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Magic and Joy
ITEM 7 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Wholeness
ITEM 8 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Freedom
ITEM 9 - Align Your Inner Bagua to Infinite Supply
ITEM 10 - ​Align Your Inner Bagua to Awareness

Package B - Value $1250 - Special Offer - $157

ITEM 1 - Everything in Package A
ITEM 2 - 9 Zoom Hangouts

Package C - Value $1479 - Special Offer - $247

ITEM 1 - Everything in Package A & B
ITEM 2 - 30min Personal Session with Jade