Theresa Vee 
Special Offer October 2019

Package - Value $497 - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1 - LIVE Group Angelic Support Session
ITEM 2 - Recorded Body Elemental Workshop (Audio)
ITEM 3 - Recorded Living With an Open Heart in a World Gone Mad (2 Audios)

Package - Get Energized Through the Shifts

Total Value $497 - Special Offer $97

ITEM 1 - LIVE Group Angelic Support Session
ITEM 2 - Recorded Body Elemental Workshop (Audio)
ITEM 3 - Recorded Living With an Open Heart in a World Gone Mad

Package - Get Energized Through the Shifts

ITEM 1 - LIVE Group Angelic Support Session

Angelic Support Sessions are incredibly life-changing. Theresa’s clients have been validating that over and over by making miraculous shifts AND MAINTAINING THEM!
We’ve all done so much work on ourselves, and offend it feels like “there just has to be an easier way for me to be done with all of this!”
The energy of the world is such that right now, there is! Because we’ve paved the way, and with the help of the Angels, we are able to clear things almost instantaneously that would have taken years and maybe even lifetimes, even just a short while ago. 
The Angels are thrilled to support in whichever ways are necessary in order to bring us closer to Whole-ness so that we can shine as brightly as possible and be the channels of Love and Peace that we know we are here to be. Being in struggle doesn’t serve anymore. That’s an old imprint. 
We are needed to be as peace-filled as possible so that we can ripple that energy outward and be the shining examples of what the new paradigm looks like. 
On this LIVE call, we will be clearing old imprints from our DNA, as a group. We will also be supported in making shifts in our individual lives based on these clearings. 
You will be held in a field of unconditional Love that will draw forth the perfection of your Soul as energy that is in resistance or incongruous with your Higher Purpose will be brought to Light. Theresa and the Angels then offer you the opportunity to release, transmute, rewire (using epigenetics), rectify, or heal these energies. Connection with your entire team, including your body elemental, guides, personal angels, as well as Archangels ensures the process is filled with ease and grace as incredibly powerful work is performed thoroughly, irreversibly, and efficiently.
Throughout the session, the Angels will be offering a transmission of energy to further activate your soul song, so that it can ring more clearly and be received by those in your soul family who are yearning for and looking for you, as you are looking for them.
Note: Though Theresa works primarily with the Archangels, you never know which beings of the highest Light might show up to assist you in your process.
Also Includes Channeling and Group Meditation

ITEM 2 - Recorded Body Elemental Workshop (Audio)

You know that little voice that nudges you to do certain things so that you feel healthier or have more energy?
You know, the voice that tells you to take a break, eat more veggies, or get on your yoga mat? Have you ever stopped to wonder where that voice is coming from?
Probably not. And if not, you're not alone. 
Those of us on a spiritual path are more likely to spend time nurturing our connection with the Divine and with our Angels and guides than with this "voice." It is easier for us to work with the mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies than with our physical body.
In fact, words like exercise and diet can often have strong energetic implications that make us run quickly in the other direction. We are already doing too much, for too many, with too little left for ourselves. 
What if I told you there is a much more fun way to create health and vibrancy that actually involves a lot of what you’ve learned through your spiritual practice? 
Embracing your body elemental is the way to do just that. 
We live in turbulent times where we FEEL SO MUCH and, at the same time, are being called to GROW at such an expedient rate. And guess what? We can do it all and still have energy left over.
In this Workshop, you’ll discover:
  • Who and what the body elemental is
  • Why a good relationship with your body elemental is instrumental to increasing your vitality
  • How to connect with your own personal body elemental
  • What needs to be done to keep connection and work with your body elemental
  • How working with your body elemental can clear your karma
This workshop will give you a more in-depth understanding of your personal body elemental, how it is instrumental in creating the life experience you desire, and the next steps on your road to working together.

ITEM 3 - Recorded Living With an Open Heart in a World Gone Mad (Audio)

This is the time that we have been training for, Love Warrior, and we need you to be unshakeable in your commitment to anchor the energy of Love.
The only time we can’t possibly be hurt is when our hearts are fully open. Yet this seems to be great paradox of this life. How do we do open ourSelves fully when we feel so much pain—our own, as well as the suffering of others?
In this two-part series, Theresa explores some of the things that hold us back from shining our light fully, and what we can do about them. She shares simple yet profound ways to shift your life and energy quickly—all without completely disrupting your current routine. She assists you to see and let go of what no longer serves you with great Love and respect. 
Audio 1: Explores the different energies of Love, and how it’s softness, ferocity, and intensity can bring even the biggest skeptics to their knees and change the world in incredible ways. 
There is focus on the ways that we can strengthen ourselves from the inside, and utilize more of the support that is naturally built into this existence (the support that we so often overlook!). This will allow us to be in a more sovereign and open state so that so that the energies outside of us have less of an impact on us than we have on them.
When we begin to experience the evidence that comes with these shifts, we become much more able to stand firmly in the power of Love with an open heart, radiating it far and wide. 
Audio 2: Focuses on energy leaks, drains, relationships, and boundaries. Though she is a Sensitive, Theresa is a master of boundaries, and seeks to assist others to claim the same! She sees how our strength is directly correlated to the amount of energy we give to others (consciously or unconsciously) and helps us to locate and plug leaks and find the inherited or chosen beliefs that have prevented us from knowing when and how we are being drained. 
These energy deficits have been the catalyst for so many of us needing to close our hearts to some degree for self -protection and -preservation.
The Angels as they offer their healing help to assist you through your own stuck places.


Theresa has the energetic capacity of a love surgeon -removing all the debris that are no longer true for you and your highest service. After working with her, I was able to fully release huge stories of the past that were running my system but I could not unwind myself. It was a total body upgrade to allow me to serve at the highest level of living light. - Joanna Green
Theresa has a profound ability to hold others in the field of unconditional love. In that field, the shifts we desire are so much more easily within reach, because the resistance has melted away.
This is Theresa’s greatest gift: loving us towards our greatest, most alive, and most aligned lives.- Nisha Moodley
Theresa recently presented “An Afternoon with the Angels” at a program I was hosting. Participants were able to bring their questions for the angels—both personal and universal.  
Answers flowed effortlessly through Theresa with ease and grace. Information was delivered in a most loving manner, and there was a certain lighthearted atmosphere that only the Angels can provide. This allowed everyone to feel open and relaxed while deep inner shifts took place.
It was amazing to experience the clarity and accuracy of Theresa’s work. Each participant felt the like they were the only person in the room, the answers were on target, and everyone could feel the presence of their Angels. We all left know that they are always there and willing to assist.
 - Ma Mokshypriya Shakti
Theresa is a modern day goddess…a true visionary and leader for all of us to be inspired by, always giving us something to aspire toward. Her deep levels of presence, love, and compassion are testaments to her own commitment to doing the inner work.  She takes big spiritual concepts and brings them alive and makes them tangible to our day to day lives.  I am honored to call Theresa a sister, a mentor, and a friend. - Audra Baker
Theresa is a wild gem of a human. She brings soul and heartfelt wisdom through her words and guidance. Her manner is fresh and intuitive, lit with truth as she listens to deeper needs you may not yet know exist. She navigates the world with such a lightness that just shines and, brings resolution. She’s courageous and spunky, in a way that is some combination of Rainbow Brite meets Xena, Warrior Princess. Her work and intuition are deeply grounded, and she offers a perspective  of clarity that I adore — a spiritual bird’s eye view. She’s concise, linear, methodical, all the while accessing the cosmos with a delightfully charming energy that radiates safety, presence, belonging, and wisdom. She can show up and meet you in all the heartache of life’s messy demolition, because whatever exists out there, she won’t let it phase her. And that resilience takes guts, so I know she’s been around enough to hold herself steady and have faith. - Lindsay Mae
Theresa's deeply connected intuition and inner sight is a powerful force of nature.  Holding a loving, warm yet strong presence, she intuitively knew the deeper gifts that I was holding back in expressing and remembering, and helped me to acknowledge the greater purpose I'm here to live. With the grace of a saint, the warmth of a mother and the fierce humor and genuine honesty that only a New Yorker could have—she accurately saw my deeper Soul's gifts and help me recognize the beauty I'm here to embody in this lifetime. Funny, Warm, Eerily Intuitive, Radiant & Powerful, Theresa is a natural master of feeling your energy, what you need to change, where you can grow, and delivering the messages you need to hear. I cannot recommend Theresa highly enough. If you are ready to live in your vast potential, feel into your future self, and begin living from a place of liberated freedom, you need to work with Theresa. - Phoenix

Theresa Vee

Theresa Vee is an international speaker, spiritual teacher, mentor, facilitator of healing, and Angelic channel.
She calls the people who feel that they should have attended Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters before being sent out into the "real" world into their greatness—helping them to create greater health and vibrancy while assisting them in finding the strength in their sensitivity and guiding them in the use of these superpowers.
Theresa is a Visionary, a Love Warrior, and a fierce stand for LOVE who has been assisting others to accept their own power for more than 15 years. She empowers Sensitives to stand in the Truth of Who They Really Are so that they can live their Purpose and feel more alive and fulfilled.

Package - Value $497 - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1 - LIVE Group Angelic Support Session
ITEM 2 - Recorded Body Elemental Workshop (Audio)
ITEM 3 - Recorded Living With an Open Heart in a World Gone Mad (2 Audios)